Do everything you have to do, not with greed,

not with ego, not with lust, not with envy

but with love, compassion, humility and devotion.

~ excerpt from Bhagavad Gita ~

La’akea (lah-ah-keh-ah) is from the Hawaiian name elements of

la'a meaning "sacred, holy" and kea meaning "white, light, clear".

The word makes reference to sacred light or sacred things.

Our Intention

If you are here, you are likely facing the unimaginable and our heart is with you.

We were called to create this space after feeling like there just wasn’t enough information or support for those moving through these life changing events. 

We believe in stepping forward at a time, when most step back and holding hope for those that can’t seem to feel it while they integrate their loss, move beyond their pain, and ultimately create a legacy of love.

Please know that our intent is for this space to be a “living” resource that is constantly evolving. We will continue working to expand the information here and support services available. If there is information not present here that you hope to find moving forward, please feel free to reach out and let us know and we will do our best to expand the content for all in need.

Chances are if you are looking for something not found here, another may be looking for it as well ~ we want to leave no stone unturned.

Please take all the time you need within the space created here.

Our hope is that this will be a “soft” place for you to land and the information may help to normalize your grief and be of comfort as you move through this challenging time.

We are honored and grateful you are here